
So, this is it! You’ve reached my little corner of the internet.

Who am I?

I´m Sophie. And this is who I am… Today. Why the emphasis on who I am today, and perhaps, not tomorrow or not yesterday?

That´s because I like to get deeply philosophical without any real reason, because even the simple question of “Hey, who are you?” can send me down a deep, dark spiral of contemplating the meaning of life.

Once, at a team meeting right after a cyclone had hit the area, someone asked why a particular person wasn´t at the meeting. Someone else replied, “Well, do they have any power?” To which I went into a full-blown existential crisis: “Do any of us really have any power in the world of today?” It turns out we were talking about whether this person had electricity and whether they were affected by the cyclone.

Lesson learned. Don´t assume philosophical intent from everyone else around you.

But who am I today? Today, I’m Sophie. I live in New Zealand, but I’m not originally from here. I’m here with my husband and our parrot Croky.

We live life in an off-grid setup consisting of a tiny house and a shipping container. It’s great, and it’s the first time ever in my life that I feel I’ve truly found peace. Some would say I’m a bit of a wanderer, most would say I have issues settling down.

But, everything is relative and everything is temporary. So today I have found peace. I’m also well aware that tomorrow I might not have peace anymore, and to brace myself for that I like to delve deep into self-development and self-care. I try to prepare myself for what tomorrow brings.

I have spent most (ok, all) of my life up until now rushing around, always trying to be the best and better version of myself. In 2022 and some of 2023, life took an interesting turn, and we found ourselves moving around roughly 7 times over the course of two years. We finally settled down in a peaceful and quiet place where we built our off-the-grid tiny house.

I’ve learnt a lot in the past years. Mostly I learnt that no matter how far away (and how often) you run, you are always there with you. I learnt that the answer is not a cabin in the woods. The only thing that will help you find peace, is if you actually take a long hard look at yourself and do the work.

And that’s what I write about: how to do the work and how to find peace. And that’s how you (the reader) and I (the writer) meet today.

Hi, it´s lovely to meet you today!

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Rewilding and Slow Living for busy humans with real lives who want more out of life. No fluff, no hype, no noise - just us, grounded.


A Belgian living in New Zealand, in an off-grid tiny house, leading two lives: the busy professional and the rewilded soul. I'm here to show you how you can be both.