'...relate to material things, and for you, slow living could mean removing a whole bunch of clutter from your life.'

Yeah, I think when we remove certain material things from our lives, we realize those things didn't meaningfully serve us and that we only purchased them due to our materialistic tendencies.

In doing so, we gain some perspective and become more aware of what actually matters in our lives

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I love how you defined slow living, Sophie. Being intentional with your actions wherever we are is what I abide by. And what a timely thing that you mentioned Cal Newport’s Slow productivity. I read the book and started implementing it over the past month. My last post is my experience with embracing the three principles of Slow productivity as a mom writer who happens to have a clinic practice too. You’ve got to check it out, Sophie.

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Thanks Shanjitha, sounds like we have similar interests 🙂

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Jul 31Liked by Sophie S.

I’m trying to adopt a slow and minimalist lifestyle day by day, which isn’t always easy. I understand what you mean about the video transcription; I could spend time watching similar ones. Your article clearly explains the true meaning of slow living.

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I do sometimes like watching those videos 😅 which is ok, as long as we don't think that's how we have to live our lives!

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Love this format, Sophie. I love the concept and it is something I'm working towards living a life with more intention and doing things that matter to me the most.

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Thanks Mario, living with intention is so important but definitely a work in progress for myself as well 😊

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I've only recently felt the "calling" toward slow living (coming from the exact opposite end of the spectrum) and have been trying to define what it means for me! This essay helps me tremendously. Thank you. Also this >>> "be real, I don’t even have an oven" <<< made me laugh so hard, I spit my coffee. 😂 Cheers!

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Yay, that's why I write. To make people laugh so hard they spit their coffee 😁😉

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Aug 15Liked by Sophie S.

Lovely, lovely piece, Sophie! It makes such a difference to hear it from someone who actually does have that life, instead of the esthetic videos from influencers (I know ex-act-ly what you refer to, lol!). Ina world where off-grid living is romanticized, your honesty is refreshing and important. Thank you!

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Thanks so much Issa! 😌

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This made me laugh, the influencer videos 😂 And it made me smile and self-reflect. My slow living movement is being present with my kids and getting them outside at least twice a day. It matters to me that they see their mom seeing them. And i value seeing their smiles, their small moments of learning to climb or throw a stick or eat chalk. It is very slow living being present with children and it is a chaotic blessing 🥰

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Thanks Danielle, that's such a lovely example of slow living 😄

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I really enjoyed this definition, especially the idea of slow living being intentional and choosing how we live, rather than going through on auto-pilot, mindlessly ticking things off a to-do list. Thank you so much for sharing - I'm glad I came across this, and look forward to reading more x

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Thanks so much Lucy, glad the definition resonated with you 😊

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You are living my dream.

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I love this! I’ve been purposely trying to adopt this slow life. Let me tell you, it’s difficult when everyone around you is hustling and constantly telling you to hustle more, but I know I am doing exactly what I am called to do. Thank you for this article.

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It is so difficult! I need to constantly remind myself as well - the world around is designed for us to always be on and always be over stimulated. Going against the grain is not easy!

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Beautiful advice here! Read it.

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Wonderful description of slow living. Once you get used to the idea, the need for living this lifestyle becomes a passion.

I couldn't go back. Thanks for a great read.

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Yes it has definitely become something I'm passionate about!

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I feel like I have found a chunk of my soul while reading this

I’m going into slow living without moving, or quitting. I’m just noticing and feeling what I already have. This is naturally squeezing things out of my life that no longer fit

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oh thanks for those kind words Tim ❤️

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