Fascinating piece! I love the description of the fear. Being prepared intentionally makes sense. Your experiences have made me understand that fear is just a feeling, and it also has the power to stop us from being successful.

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Just a feeling absolutely, but a powerful one that, as you say, has the power to stop us from doing what we really want

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Love this! Fear is the worry monster and it's true most of the time it's not even reality so why am I stressing about it?? The brain is a powerful thing but I like visualising all the bad things. Sometimes I look at all the horrible things in the world and am reminded that my problems aren't that big

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Yeah putting things into perspective is a really good way as well to reduce fear and anxiety

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Such an amazing read Sophie. I love your stance on discomfort, fear and hardships. They align a lot with my own thoughts.

I've always kind of struggled with mindfully predicting the challenges that might lie ahead in my journey. Mostly out of fear of just staying stuck in that phase. Reading your piece has inspired me to do this now.

I've been on a journey of doing 40 consecutive pushups and I'm at a plateaue of 20 for a while. I didn't expect this to happen and I didn't plan for it. This can be my use case.

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Yeah I think there's a fine line between anxiously overthinking or mindfully planning for the worst case scenario.

On the topic of pushups, have you tried focusing on strengthening with other types of exercises and then returning to the push up? When I couldn't do a pushup a while back I focused on bench press with dumbbells and some other exercises and then eventually I was able to do one. Didn't expect to get fitness advice on here did you? 🤣

I do appreciate your kind words about my writing, thank you 😊

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Haha interesting how didferent knowledge areas can collide right?

I tried the opposite approach. I went all in, guns blazing lol. I started doing pushups everyday to make myself very used-to this movement. It seems to work, at least upto 20 consecutive pushups haha

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I love this. Writing and marketing my books and putting myself out there was scary for this introvert. I've done so many things the past couple of years that I never thought I would do but I'm so glad I did.

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Same here. I used to write quite a bit years ago and then I stopped because life got in the way. Then I really wanted to write again but fear was stopping me from putting my stuff out there. I'm glad I did as well 😀

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Does it always require fear? 😌

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No following your dreams definitely doesn't require fear. It's more about how fear might be holding you back from doing what you truly want to do.

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