Totally relate. I have had 1 default mode my whole life ' Just push through it'. Am slowly unlearning that a bit through therapy and meditation. Drive and a resilient attitude are great but unchecked they catch up with you. I'll share a link to this in my newsletter round up tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

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Naw thanks ❤️ and yes it's all about balance!!

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This is what I need, but I'm a pretty bad student when it comes to taking care of myself :(

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Same, Gabi, same. It's an ongoing journey. Some days I'm really good at incorporating my own lessons, other days not so much. I think that's all part of the journey.

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Our bodies definitely talk to us, and when we don't listen, they scream. I love the anonymous quote "if you listen to your body when it whispers, you will never have to hear it scream." Early in my career, I made a game of finding all the language we use around our bodies and keeping it in a notebook. That notebook has become a reference manual for me now. the idioms and phrases of the body have messages for our deeper life challenges. for example, when the elbow hurts, it might be telling you that you are "elbowing through" something too much. Or if your shoulder hurts, perhaps it is because you are shouldering the weight of the world more than you should.

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It was probably both of those things at the time 😳😅

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I can relate to this so much! It's hard sometimes to slow down, especially when it comes to something as healthy as exercise. I walk each night, and honestly hate when I feel tired or have a little injury and can't go, but like you, I learned the hard way that it's better to listen early and get back on track fast! I also absolutely love your end note about how the world needs different kinds of people. It's so true! I wish my life path called for more adventure, but sadly it does not during this chapter. In the meantime I will live vicariously through all you beautiful people doing interesting things in interesting places!

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I loved that note too when I came across it. And I love how you say "not in this chapter", because it's so true that life is all about chapters and seasons and too often we can get caught up in how things are right now and think that that's how it will always be. Next chapters may be totally different ❤️

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Good read. I can relate as an over achiever and ignoring the need for rest.

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That’s so thought provoking. Thank you so much for sharing all of that.

I’m happy that this epiphany has made a solid positive difference in your life.

Others will pay attention and end up wanting that level of calm.


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Thanks so much for your comment Erica 🙂

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A calm, peaceful, and content inner being is like the best Super Power! : )

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I just wrote about this recently, and it inspired me to take a break on my own blog! I've been having guest-posters come in and it's been amazing to really allow myself to rest whilst still giving my subscribers something to read that related to my topic. My new motto lately is "Rest, don't quit." I've also so been there with ignoring the physical signs of discomfort until you can't anymore. Our bodies are really so much smarter than our minds! I really enjoyed this read, and look forward to reading more.

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Thanks so much for your kind words Christina! And yes resting doesn't mean quitting, absolutely!!

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Thanks Sophie. Really appreciate your words. I’ve just been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and it is a steep but necessary learning curve! I’m leaning in to what this has to teach me on a daily basis.

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I can only imagine what a journey that must be ❤️

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It is, but in truth, not a wholly unwelcome one. It has something to tell me. I just need to quieten down and listen ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your story through this beautiful article. I also used to believe that the only way to be a worthy human being was to do it all with a mindful and happy smile on my face. Turns out the smile only appeared when I started saying no.

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The mantra repeated to me my whole life playing sports was "Just walk it off" I certainly don't think that you shouldn't push through discomfort, but not listening to my body really hit me when I was 26. I had been limping for ~3 years during the years after I had my children. I just kept telling myself "they (Dr's) are just going to tell me to exercise more". Well I finally I went to the Dr. They did an MRI and told me I would have to get a hip replacement (avascular necrosis). My hip bone was dying and didn't want to support me anymore. It is still a struggle for me to listen to my body, but I am slowly getting better at it.

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Wow as a wake up call that one definitely counts 😳 It's such a fine balance between "embracing discomfort" but also "resting when needed"

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Industrial growth made it's laborers believe that constant work every minute is a rewardable quality. Slowly, this idea seeped into households and into our minds, making us firmly believe on the notion that our every minute must be filled with "productive things." Actually, this is so untrue. We are made to work, rest, rejuvenate and repeat the cycle.

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Absolutely, we should be following the natural cycle and rest when we feel it's needed ❤️

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I feel like this is a post I need to hear but I don't want to lol. Because for most of my life, I have never really pushed myself beyond my comfort zone. Maybe some times, but not enough. And I am NOT a high performer or anything. But I feel like finally, I'm learning how much potential I can tap into if I willingly push myself out of my comfort zone and lean into the pain and suffering of leaving that comfort zone. To do what it takes to challenge the day.

Another thing that really resonated with me was the asking for help part. I've always hesitated asking for help but man, makes things soooo much easier and relives you of so much unnecessary suffering.

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I hear ya Haider, it's the stuff that is necessary but we don't really want to hear it. I need constant reminders! And asking for help is soooo difficult, but makes life so much easier ☺️

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Loved this piece, it's such a relatable reminder to slow down and let go of that constant pressure to "do it all." It's amazing how often we push ourselves until our bodies literally force us to stop. The part about realizing nothing bad happens when the house isn’t spotless really hit home for me! Also, asking for help? Such a game changer, but we always think we have to handle it all. Thanks for sharing this – a much-needed reminder that rest isn't just okay, it's essential.

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Thank you. It's interesting to hear how this is really resonating with a lot of us and how so many people can relate to our bodies telling us it's time to slow down!

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Have been feeling the same recently, and most of the last few years. My mind doesn't do what my body needs it to do.

Eventually my body wins and I have to slow down and attend to basic and important needs.

Good to keep reminding ourselves we can't do it all and we need to pace life and our approach to it. My ego doesn't like that but it can naff off whilst I heal.

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Same here, it's a constant reminder and definitely still learning 😊

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Our bodies are so wise. I can relate to pushing through the pain, but it never works out in my favour (funny how that works)!! And asking for help is most definitely the hardest part. While I've learned to slow down a lot, I still struggle with the asking for help part.

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Yeah the asking for help part is the most difficult one!

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