These are some great lessons Sophie. We do tend to live the life other expect us to be without realizing how negative that is to us. We should be living the life we wanted to. I'm so glad to hear that living in the cabin was something you really wanted to do.

You wrote something it resonated with me this evening. I was so stressed with writing and all this hustle of the creator business that I haven't enjoyed my evening with my colleagues. I should have been more in the present and not so eager to go back to my laptop.

Thank you for this wonderful read.

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Even though I live in a cabin in the woods, I get moments like that as well, where I'm rushing to the next thing without enjoying the moment. We all get moments like that I think.

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Love this - I see these pop up every once in a while and it's always a good reminder what the big picture is. What life is meant to be about and not get so caught up in the day to days

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We all need a reminder every now and then 😊

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Aug 15Liked by Sophie S.

I find your blogs very inspiring! You are leading by example and showing 'how it is done'! Keep up the good work!

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Naw thanks for your kind words Praveen! 😊

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This was a wonderful read Sophie! “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me"--I had spent most of my life living the way how others wanted me to live until a some years back I finally started creating the life I wanted for myself. At present, I could relate more to "I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.” I'm also a recovering people pleaser and I still find it little difficult to express my feelings verbally which is why I find peace in penning down my feelings. This post was a reminder to work more on this. Thanks for sharing!

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I'm sure we're not alone in finding it difficult to express our feelings verbally, but easier to write it all down.

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Aug 14Liked by Sophie S.

I enjoyed this Ann-Sophie. A great read and I agree its so important to allow yourself to feel joy in all the little things that make life special like catch ups with friends, good food, moments with family and quiet times when you can think.

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I found myself nodding along as I read through those regrets. It's scary how easy it is to fall into these traps without even realizing it. That bit about living a life true to yourself instead of what others expect - man, that's a tough one. I've definitely caught myself making choices based on what I think I "should" do rather than what I actually want. Thank you for sharing Sophie.

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It's so easy to fall into these traps! We all need a little reminder every now and then.

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Oh thanks Kim, glad you enjoyed it 😊

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What an inspiring read. I think it’s so important to hold the impermanence of life close to our hearts, to remind ourselves of what truly matters. Hearing about what people actually regret is powerful too, because you never know how you’ll feel about the end of life until it’s here. It’s awesome that you followed your dream of living in the woods. That’s what it’s all about - being true to ourselves and experiencing the things we most long for.

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I know, I found it so inspiring to read about what other people have felt at their end of life - it's our job to learn from them and not have the same regrets.

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I think for me, it's not pursuing my dreams. That's the regret I don't want to have. Also, love your book rec! Sounds interesting. I love learning about language so this is right up my alley. Thanks!

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The regret about losing touch with friends is a powerful one. It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and let those connections slip away. I'm an introvert who cherishes my alone time, but I've learned the hard way that friendships require effort and nurturing. It's about making conscious choices to prioritize the people who matter most, even when it means stepping outside my comfort zone. This article serves as a beautiful reminder to reach out, reconnect, and make time for the friendships that enrich our lives.

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